Friday, August 13, 2010


It has been a special week, I'd say. First we had 08-09-10 on Monday and today is Friday the 13th. I did not hear much about Friday the 13th growing up. The first time I heard of it was in SS2 (11th grade). I remember that Friday (which was also the day before valentines day), I woke up early as usually and made my way to the 5:45am Friday mass. It was still dark outside and I always enjoyed the quiet it brought; and walking alone. This particular Friday however, there was something eerie about the air. Also, I could swear that somewhere in the distance, I could hear someone wailing. None the less, I shrugged it off.

After mass was over, we made it to dinning for "seven seas" (A morning variation of night cap) then dispersed to class. That was when the rumours started to spread. I was hearing it all over. The voices claimed Mr. Paul Utulu was dead. gasp! Mr Paul Utulu was my favorite teacher. He was also my club leader and choir manager. I respected and admired him. He recently got married; had a daughter that was about a year or more old and a newly born son. His son had been ill; so much that we feared that he wouldn't make it. The school collectively said daily prayers for him. Then two days before, Mr Paul had gone to the hospital with minor complains and never came back. His son soon got well. They all said it was like the life of the father was exchanged for that of the son.

This is my very first memory of Friday the 13th. It was also the first time I ever lost my voice (from crying). This sad experience had made me cautious, although I do not think I am extremely superstitious about Friday the 13ths.
Today I said a prayer, but only because I was inspired from the week. In hindsight, I should have said one for this Friday the 13th too. 12:10pm and everything thing possible has gone wrong at work, and I am not in a terribly good mood. I have never been so stressed -balancing the work load of two. Oh Lawd!

Till date, I have occasional dreams about him. And would marvel at the conversations we had. RIP

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was just crying because I miss him. I googled Mr Paul Utulu and here is your post :).